If you found this blog because you are looking for some type of resources for Grief, then let me say that I am glad you are here, but am sorry for your loss. You're at a page which is actually a link from my home blog "WeepySeeds". Have a look around, or Click on the "home" button below and come on over to read posts on grief and other subjects too!
A visual presentation created by the families of Jae Lynn, Taylore' and Alicia. The first segment is 30 minutes long and is an excellent resource for families who have experienced loss.
The second segment is a 15 minute overview of The 3Cheerleaders story. The cost is $12.00 and can be shipped directly to any address you choose. Email me at Becky.russell@live.com
North of the River North Little Rock Ist Tuesday of each month. Lakeside Room of Baptist Health, Springhill (North Little Rock). 6:30 -8:30 pm Jim/Cindy Stricklin @ jstricklin@comcast.net
Central Arkansas Little Rock 3rd Monday of each month. Ist Church of Nazarene 1200 N. Mississippi Little Rock, Ar 7:00-9:00 pm Kevin/Debbie Hunsaker http://www.bpusathecentralarkansaschapter.org/
South Central/Hot Springs 1st Tuesday of each month Church at Crossgate Center 3100 E Grand Ave Hot Springs, AR 6:00-9:00 pm Ray and Linda Bates @ lynnbat1127@yahoo.com